Sunday 30 March 2014


Yesterday Andrea gave me a tour of Shopify and it BLEW MY MIND! Let's put aside the fact that they have conference rooms named after the races in Starcraft, the fact they have a room dedicated entirely to silly hats, a nap room, a room filled with just bean bag beds, the comfiest balls pit I have ever been in and a FRIGGIN SLIDE!!! Just the art work blew me away! And the art posted above is just the smallest sample of what I saw. I kept snapping pictures like I was at some sort of museum! I don't think my mind can fully accept the awesomeness that is Shopify. I am totally not cool enough to work here! Thank you Andrea for the tour!!!!!


  1. You are TOTALLY cool enough!! And most likely have the typing speed required. You should look into it!

  2. They had this awesome painting of an owl in mid flight done to pink and purple background but my pic didnt turn out :-( I thought of you!
