Tuesday 10 June 2014

Ear Piece

Compare my finger nail to the size of the thing at the bottom of the bowl. That is what came out of Dorian's ear. I was doing a routine ear wax clean on Monday when I noticed something white in his ear canal. I attempted to pull it out via tweezers but it caused Dorian pain so we turned off dinner, hopped on a bus and headed to the walkin clinic. After a two and a half hour wait (Kerri dropped off dinner for the kids! Thank you Kerri!!!), we got to see the doctor who attempted to use a curette with no success and then tweezers which caused Dorian to scream and cry in pain. The doctor gave us a referal to CHEO and I took him out of school today and off we went. Thankfully we had Erin who so graciously offered to drive us (thank you Erin!!!). After an almost four hour wait we got to see a doctor who took a look, asked the nurse for a syringe to flush the ear. A few squirts later, waxy buildup started to pour out (that is all the 'floaters' in the bowl) and then, eventually, it loosened the 'thing'. Even after two nurses, a doctor and I looked, we have no idea what it is. An eraser? A piece of foam? A cigarette butt? It is crumbly in texture and bright white and I have no clue! The dark brown around it is the waxy buildup that was stuck behind the thing.Tiring few days and I am suffering from a bad mood!

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