Saturday 8 February 2014

Remains of the Morning

At the beginning of this week I got a wonderful morning surprise. Rowan had woken half an hour early, gotten dressed, breakfasted, made both her and Dorian's lunch, brushed her teeth and hair, and then, when she heard my alarm go off, she made me my morning coffee and brought it to me in bed. That morning there was no arguing, no whining, no complaining. Both kids were all smiles and happiness and it was a wonderful start to my day and I felt like I could accomplish anything.
This morning I was awoken to screams of "You are STUPID!" "It's MY turn!" "AAHHhhhhhhh!" "MAMA! Rowan is going to hit me!" After I stopped the screaming and they both lost Minecraft, Rowan kept going on and on and on about Dorian being stupid and how she was running away, etc, etc, etc which ended up with her loosing ALL electronics for the day. Dorian stopped the fighting pretty much right away, went back downstairs as I dealt again with Rowan and her attitude and made me breakfast. I have spent the day, so far, breaking up fights, dealing with rude attitudes and being overall cranky and miserable.

It is amazing how the method by which you are awoken works to shape and structure your attitude for the rest of your day.